

  • Photographer
    Stanislav Pokhodilo

Stanislav Pokhodilo is an Ukrainian photographer, settled in the Netherlands. He was a finalist in “Child Photo Competition”, has been nominated several times and is published in “Dark Beauty Magazine”,”International Color Awards” ,”MFA”, and “” Gallery. Looking for new techniques, Pokhodilo saw a picture made by photographer A. Razomovsky, in which products such as milk were used. This gave Pokhodilo the inspiration to use milk (and water) for his own shoots. He worked a long time to create and perfect his own technique, which allows liquids to “freeze”, using flash lighting. This ultimately led to his photo “Meastro”. Fashion Designer Nataliya-Alexandra Makhortova (born in Ukraine) – known for her her fashion show “Nataliya Hair Couture” at Dutch model Event and publications in “Vie fashion” and “Elegant magazine” - came across this photo and was very impressed. She came up with the idea to co-operate, so that her technique and that of Pokhodilo could be woven together into one picture. Together they have created