Impact of War by Patryk Jaracz

Truth Through Art: Top Photojournalism Picks from 2023

July 9, 2024

Photography has been used since its inception to spread truth through documentation. Spanning from war journalism to individual accounts, editorial photography allows for artists to tell real world stories through their images. Actually being able to see the subjects, locations, and effects of what is being conveyed draws the viewer in closer and allows for a more complete view of the event.

The Price of Freedom by Lenka Klicperová

Czech journalist Lenka Klicperová has been photographing the Russia-Ukraine war since February 2022. On the frontlines everyday, she captures the strife and suffering that war causes.

The Explorer by Toni Rasinkangas

In her editorial piece, Rasinkangas explores the life of Annukka. Annukka spends her time doing yoga and cold plunges in the Katumajärvi Lake in Finland.

Acapulco After The Passage of Hurricane Otis by Iván Macías

On October 24th, 2023, a category 5 hurricane hit the city of Acapulco causing mass destruction. Local photographer Iván Macías explores the aftermath and the effect on the city.

Impact of War by Patryk Jaracz

Born in Poland in 1990, Jaracz has spent his life devoted to examining and photographing Eastern Europe. In his latest series of images defending human rights, Jaracz has been photographing the war in Ukraine.

Morning of the Mourning by Shervin Bashari

In this powerful series of images, Shervin Bashari documents the aftermath of the death of Dariush Mehrjui, a prominent director of new wave cinema. Mona, his daughter, and his friends speak on his behalf after passing.

Madness on the Road by Roberto Wolfenson

In this series of images, the photographer opts to have staged images to get their point across rather than candid photojournalistic images. This series explores how in the 21st century life has become much more complicated and reliant on technology. 

Although sometimes photojournalistic images can be troubling or hard to see, they are important. Editorial photography allows viewers from all around the world a look into another's life and situation. The more we learn about each other and understand our shared hardships, the more we can come together.

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