TOKYO-2016 People / Culture


  • Prize
    Bronze in People/Culture
  • Photographer
    Lucas Dragone

Kathakali and Kutiyattam, is a form of theatre performed in the state of Kerala, India. Emotion is the heart of Kathakali and the engine room of the drama. There is no element of Kathakali that is not driven by emotion. Kathakali is able to unite with the very core of our understanding and generate a connection with the most basic of our instincts, the desire to create, explore the unknown and express what we find with others.  Kathakali will survive the changes of time because emotion is the foundation on which we progress as a civilisation. « Where the hands go the eyes follow, Where the eyes go the mind follow, Where the mind goes the emotion will follow » Kalamandalam Barbara Vijayakumar

Lucas Dragone is an awards wining visual artist, and story-teller. Having studied at the Lassaad International School of Theatre in Brussels, still today Lucas keeps very close ties with Lassaad, who he considers to be one of his life-long mentors. He worked with the Compagnie Barbiana in Belgium as performer, director and teacher. He also explored theatre in Italy and Brazil. After a few years he decided to switch from theatre to visual-arts and music as a means to express his creativity.