TOKYO-2016 People / Life Style


  • Prize
    Silver in People/Life Style
  • Photographer
    Keiji Fujimoto

Old picture reflects a young boy with dazzling black skin who is covering a body with white shirt. Boy was dreaming to be a pilot someday. Man who used to love the sky was always hanging his childhood picture in a room. He now grew up to the adult, and noticed that his childhood dream was just an illusion. One fact, in front of his eyes, was just a messy room with unwashed clothes. He was suffering with emotional chains of, feeling guilty for hiding his sexuality to the family and friends, taking pale peace with the boy friend, and denying himself when he is alone in the room. We were quite similar in that way. Both were troublesome existences, who are breaking harmony in the society. And that is probably why we could be friends each other. Color of the sky was changing from deep purple to blue, at the outside of window. Morning was coming again. “I have to leave soon” he said. He then veiled negative emotions on the face unconsciously. His eyes started focusing on the actual world. He wore a crumpled shirt, and so opened door. Kenyan sky was already too blue, at the outside world.