TIFA 2022 People / Culture

Stonehenge Winter Solsticee

  • Prize
    Silver in People/Culture
  • Photographer
    Bradley Chippington
  • Technical Info
    Canon Eos 1 With Sigma 50mm F/1.4 Prime Using Kentmere 400 Shot At 1600. Home Develop And Scan.
  • Photo Date

The Stonehenge Winter Solstice is a sacred ceremony with deep ancestral routes where Druids and Pagans gather to celebrate the passing of the shortest day of the year. Historically the passing of winter was recognised and celebrated more than the passing of summer due to the hardships that were faced in the winter with short, colder days and less food to eat with crops unable to grow. I documented the Winter Solstice by engaging with my subjects and learning who they are and what the Solstice means to them.