TIFA 2022 Architecture / Cityscapes


  • Prize
    Silver in Architecture/Cityscapes
  • Photographer
    Maria Cristina Pasotti
  • Technical Info
    Canon Eos 80d Canon 70/300 F/5.6 1/250 Sec Iso 100 Focal Length 70 Mm Cropped Sensor
  • Photo Date

Gargoyles The Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) features more than 2500 statues and 96 unique giant gargoyles on the exterior. Most of them are representations of saints and of prominent figures of demons, dragons and grotesque animals. The Church is dedicated to Santa Maria Nascente and is a mixture of late French Gothic and Renaissance.

I'm an amateur photographer and my favorite photographic genres are architecture, minimalism, street photography and naturalistic photography. About 5 years ago I started exhibiting my photographs in several collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad and I won some international contests. One of my last exhibitions was in a gallery in Rue de Seine in Paris (Galerie Etienne de Causans) during the Paris PhotoAward 2019 and my photo was sold to a Parisian collectionist.