TIFA 2022 Book / Documentary

Hombrecino (Little Man)

  • Prize
    Gold in Book/Documentary, 2nd Place winner in Book
  • Photographer
    Susana Cabanero
  • Technical Info
    128+8 Pages / Red Edges Painted By Hand / Softcover / Spanish & English / Design: Underbau
  • Photo Date

For more than 35 years my grandfather kept a list of typed names in his wallet. They were neighbours from his village who had been executed in the Spanish Civil War, abandoned in mass graves and missing ever since. He would often read those names to me, emotional, describing with amazing clarity of detail who they were. My curiosity and desire to understand his longing led me to the places that held the memory of the conflict and the disappeared. What I liked most was to show him what I had seen on my return, and little by little my search became a shared journey with him.