TIFA 2022 Fine Art / Collage


  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Collage
  • Photographer
    Robert Nzaou Kissolo
  • Agency / Studio
    Robert Nzaou Photography
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D700, 50mm 1.8, Digital Collage
  • Photo Date

This photo series is called 'Louzolo', which means 'Love' in Kikongo, a local Congolese language. The series explores the love languages in Congolese society, the do's and don'ts, what is acceptable and what's not... How much is too much, how can one express love in public. The images in this series portray a role reversal for what is usual in most Congolese households, showing men doing some of the things which are usually seen as a woman's domain, and demonstrating the joy that brings, to see a man doing even little things but which women appreciate very much.