TIFA 2022 Advertising / Product

Wine Flavor Identities

  • Prize
    Silver in Advertising/Product
  • Photographer
    Wesley Dombrecht
  • Agency / Studio
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D800 / 1/200 / 100iso / F9 ...nikon Pc-e 85mm F/2.8d Ed + Profoto D2 Studio Light
  • Photo Date
    June 2022

The job for this series of images was to graphically represent the flavour notes of a particular wine grape used to make a specific wine, and so, making it easier and more visually to imagine the specific wine's flavor identity. The flavour notes used goes from fruit to savory (olives, tapenade, bacon) and even things like smoke, tobacco, talc, spices, flowers,etc… The wine's used here are from M.Chapoutier, Domaine Tournon.

Wesley Dombrecht(1979) is a Belgium-based commercial and artistic food photographer, currently best known for his personal photography work and art-series in the ”fine-art / still-life” genre, mostly working around food. Through a graphic approach and elaborately staged compositions, his personal work offers the viewer a different perspective on food – mostly there is an underlying story connected to his series.. In the years he developed a signature style for his personal work, utilising dramatic lighting, minimal sets and an unsaturated colour palette, what gives his images a very aesthetic,