TIFA 2022 Fine Art / Collage

The Bots Are Coming

  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Collage
  • Photographer
    James Andrew
  • Technical Info
    Rich, Multi Layered, Photo Based, Digital, Montages
  • Photo Date

According to a recent survey 47% of present day jobs won’t exist in the very near future. The sad truth is that, very soon we won’t need these folks anymore, Robotic Extra Humans can do their jobs quicker and better, But don’t get the idea that these new, state of the art, Cyberbots are just inanimate, chunks of carbon fibre and microchips. “THE BOTS ARE COMING!” is a photographic body of work which seeks to show the “humane side” of these hard working uber citizens. It’s the future, do not resist!

JW Andrew is an artist best known for his rich, multi layered, photo based digital montages, He uses various digital techniques to convey raw emotions and feelings in a hand made, grungy, dirty aesthetic. His influences are wide ranging and include various artists and designers such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Roger Ballan and Gilbert & George. His unique style developed over many years of experimentation using both traditional and digital techniques. His style could best be defined as an acceptance of “mistakes”, elements such as scratches, dust, blur, movement etc are embraced.