TIFA 2022 Fine Art / Collage

Black Allure #5

  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Collage
  • Photographer
    Keisuke Yamaoka
  • Technical Info
    Digital Collage
  • Photo Date

This artwork experesses Hrys Basics's longing/ aspirations for traditional Japanese art and aesthetic sense of "Kachofugetsu (artistic pursuits involving nature themes)" and "shogyomujyo (all worldly things are impermanent)" that are reinterpreted through the perspective of an individual who lives in modern Japan where diversity and globalization has evolved. The senses are reconstructed using materials that have become familiar in modern Japan.

Hrys Basics is an artist who advocates "New Japonism" and focuses on digital collage. This artwork experesses Hrys Basics's longing/ aspirations for traditional Japanese art and aesthetic sense of "Kachofugetsu (artistic pursuits involving nature themes)" and "shogyomujyo (all worldly things are impermanent)" that are reinterpreted through the perspective of an individual who lives in modern Japan where diversity and globalization has evolved. The senses are reconstructed using materials that have become familiar in modern Japan.