TIFA 2022 Fine Art / Other

Secret Garden - Wings of Peace

  • Prize
    Gold in Fine Art/Other
  • Photographer
    Fenqiang Liu
  • Technical Info
    Full Frame Sensor
  • Photo Date
    2020 and 2021

Many nesting pairs of Great Egrets gather in Florida each spring to begin their nesting rituals. I was inspired to share the beauty of the Great Egrets with the world. I made countless trips to the location to capture the most beautiful moments. Their true beauty is best reflected in their natural environment. Therefore, I wanted to utilize their enchanting surroundings to obtain unique compositions. I carefully chose the camera positions and patiently waited for the best opportunities. After two spring seasons, I finished the series to display the beauty of wildlife in natural Florida.

Fenqiang Liu is a fine art nature photographer based in Orlando, Florida. His work captures breathtaking moments of natural beauty and transforms them into captivating art pieces. With an education and experience in drawing, Chinese literature, cinema, and photography, Liu utilizes his unique blend of cultural influences from both the East and West, along with his artistic background and mastery of photography, to express his thoughts and emotions in a distinct and meaningful way. He has achieved resounding success in photography and earned numerous prestigious international photo awards.