TIFA 2023 Fine Art / Abstract


  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Abstract
  • Photographer
    Sina Nasr
  • Technical Info
  • Photo Date

In this project, I delve into the profound interaction between humans and nature. Witness the entrance of humans into pristine landscapes, and confront the impact of their presence: destructions, infections, and scars inflicted upon nature. Yet, amid this turmoil, glimpse nature's resilience as it reclaims its ground and undergoes rehabilitation in the absence of humans. These visuals highlight the smallness of humanity in front of nature's power. Explore the intricate relationship between humans and the earth, contemplating our responsibility in shaping its future.

As an artist, I have always been drawn to the expressive power of photography. With a camera in hand, I am able to capture the world around me in new and unexpected ways, creating images that tell a story, evoke an emotion, or simply capture the beauty of the moment. My approach to art photography is deeply rooted in my own vision and personal style. I am drawn to picture things with capability to show more than just a beautiful picture, with strong compositions, and the interplay of light and shadow. Whether I am shooting landscapes, still lifes, or portraits, I always strive to create image