
Mount Rainier Avalanche

  • Photographer
    Scott Rinckenberger
  • Agency / Studio
    Scott Rinckenberger
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D4x W/ Nikon 70-200mm Lens @ 200mm. 1/500 At F/5.6 Iso 100
  • Photo Date
    March 16, 2016

Pure lucky timing put me atop a neighboring peak at the exact moment that a massive avalanche swept down the east side of Mount Rainier, Washington on an early morning in March. As the snow roared down the flanks of the glacier, spreading across an area nearly a mile wide, I shot a series of images with a telephoto lens. Fortunately, the reach of my 70-200 was just enough to capture the full scale and scope of the event. It was a true honor to have the chance to witness, and capture this amazing event.