
The High Divers

  • Photographer
    Daria Martinoni
  • Technical Info
    Shutter Speed: 1/1250 Sec.; Iso 100; Aperture: 5.6; Sensor: Aps-c Sized
  • Photo Date
    August 11th 2019

The journalist Max Rauner describes the edge of the diving platform as the border between conflicting powers. It separates nonjumping and jumping, failure and overcoming, being laughed at and showing off, disgrace and pride. Too afraid to jump from the diving tower myself, in this work I deal with those who are brave enough to face the decision at the edge: Those who are wildly determined, and those who doubt, who fight out visible battles; those who enjoy it and those who jump out of despair. Two seconds from the jump to the immersion, two seconds like an eternity. What remains is peace.

Daria Martinoni is a non-professional photographer working and living in Zurich, Switzerland. As a Geographer, she uses photography to playfully (de)construct the built urban environment we live in in order to explore our perception of space (and reality). She experiments with long shutter speeds and several zoom settings in one exposure. With this approach, she aimes at questioning our making of the world through experience and knowledge.