Honorable Mention TOKYO-2019 People / Children

Child On Yang to Mawlamyine Train

  • Photographer
    Frank Lynch
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D800 / Nikkor 24mm F/1.4g Ed
  • Photo Date

The upper class carriages on the Yangon to Mawlamyine train can be quite boring, which is why I decided to visit the ’regular’ class. The atmosphere there was pretty lively and the interaction among my fellow passengers very animated and entertaining. It was here that I spotted this child eating a cob of corn. I was lucky that the god of light was looking down on me as I took this shot . . .

I grew up in Dublin, Ireland where I studied Graphic Design and Printing Technology. After living for many years living in Germany and Israel I now spend my time in Ireland, Japan, Myanmar and Switzerland. I have always been interested in photography but only really became passionate in the art when I started shooting black and white and developing in my own darkroom. I enjoy travelling off the beaten track, taking photographs of the people I meet along the way. I find the interaction that takes place between photographer and subject very rewarding. I discovered that the camera helps to break