Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 Fine Art / Portrait

Living With Covid

  • Photographer
    Paola De Grenet
  • Agency / Studio
    Paola De Grenet Photography
  • Technical Info
    Colour Portraits Shot With Canon Mark Iii And 24/70 Mm 2.8 Sigma Art
  • Photo Date
    march/may 2020

The state of alarm was declared in Spain on March 14. The idea of not being able to leave the house for an indefinite time has awakened in me many different and sometimes contradictory feelings. It is this tension that has pushed me to produce these portraits.The compulsive shopping, the quirky outfits that people have improvised to protect themselves, the desparate need to connect on social medias and tell how bored we feel after two days of lock down, have all been great thought provoking material .