Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 People / Children

A Cry For Love

  • Photographer
    Saene-Esmée Heidenrijk
  • Agency / Studio
    Saene Esmee
  • Technical Info
  • Photo Date

We are Shocked We are Mad We should be One This makes us Sad Why do they Fight A cry for Love This is not Right This is not Just Change the World you're leaving for us!

My name is Saene-Esmée, I'm a Dutch Photographer, graduated at the Fine Art Academy Maastricht Photography. I specialize in children's photography and working in the fashion industry for multiple kids brands. Within my Personal work I always distinctively try to show some of my dreamy vision and the serenity of a child with a nostalgic look at childhood. I'm drawn into the magic that comes from childhood dreams. But also instinctively concerned about diversity and equality in growing up in a multi cultural world. I like to let my portraits speak in these matters.