Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 Fine Art / Still Life

Instinctive Apparatus

  • Photographer
    Atsuko Suzukawa
  • Technical Info
    Nikondf, Lens24-120f4, Iso100, 20min
  • Photo Date

The beauty and scent of flowers is really more carnivorous. The purpose of the flowers is to attract and use insects by its own color and scent, and to carry pollen to other flowers for pollination. It's like a passive hunt with its flower instinct. Humans are never the target of hunting for flowers. But people are attracted by flowers. Depending on how you think about it, humans are hunted by flowers. I took a long exposure on flowers and hands. By shining light along the contours of the immovable flower and the hands that can't stand still, I expressed the hunting flower and the hunter.

Born in Tokyo. Currently resides in Nagoya, Japan. Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Jissen Women's University. She is a photographer and a counselor at a hospital. She takes photographs on the theme of dialogue, empathy, especially nonverbal communication. She has participated in exhibitions in Japan and abroad.