Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 Nature / Underwater

Lost In The Glow

  • Photographer
    Peter De Maagt
  • Technical Info
    1/200, F14, Iso 400
  • Photo Date

Fluorescence diving allows seeing a familiar reef in a new light. You will see something entirely different, the colours and formations can be overwhelming. The pieces of coral that were dull and gray during the daytime could be completely glowing from within. It definitely allows capturing some special images. This transparent fish is being backlit by the fluorescence glow of the coral.

Peter de Maagt is an enthusiastic underwater photographer/scuba diver who uses his images to promote conservation of our underwater world. His interest in diving and photography merged more than 20 years ago. Since then, this passion has taken him world-wide to experience the extremes of very cold and warm waters where he has had the privilege to experience different underwater biotopes. His photographs and articles have appeared in and on the cover of several underwater photography magazines and have been used by companies, websites and newspapers.