Honorable Mention TOKYO-2020 Fine Art / Collage

Urban Jungle

  • Photographer
    Jonk Jonk
  • Agency / Studio
    Jonk Photography
  • Technical Info
    Digital Photography Printed On A 60x90cm Canvas, Collage And Acrylic. High Resolution Scan.
  • Photo Date

Jonk’s Naturalia: Chronicle of Contemporary Ruins pictures carry a strong message: Nature is stronger, and whatever happens to Man, She will always be there. To go further, he gave them a new plastic approach. Thus, when Man leaves, Nature comes back through plants and animals, and with Time (white paint), what he built disappears. Urban Jungle aims at getting the viewer to realize that Man is nothing compared to Nature, that instead of carrying on a destructive colonization process, he should on the contrary respect her, allow her to come out so that the benefits are reciprocal.