Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 People / Wedding

The Moment, In The Wedding

  • Photographer
    Yo-Wei Chen
  • Agency / Studio
    Yw Studio
  • Technical Info
    Canon 5d4 25mmf2.8
  • Photo Date

You are always as never grow up kid in parents’ bottom of heart ;no matter how old you are.

When I received my very first digital camera in my university, that starts my path of photography. I still remember how happy I felt and satisfied with the enthusiasm of photo creation. It has been inseparable for me from photography ever since. I have a faith in my photography, light. Light can transform the atmosphere into poetic-like to allow you to find the unordinary in ordinary, By using the characteristics of light in my mind and spice with some artistic elements, I compose the photo that I want. I hope that the photo can not only bring happiness to you or keep memory , but also it c