Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 People / Portrait

Chengdu Fenzi

  • Photographer
    Ren Zhou
  • Technical Info
    Nikon F801 + 28-80mm Lens, Chinese Lucky Film Iso100 B&w
  • Photo Date
    1994 and redeveloped in 2021

Fenzi means young and pretty woman in the Chinese Sichuan dialect. In 1994, I took pictures of a few Fenzis from Chengdu, China. When I discovered the films recently, they were destroyed by dampness. My curiosity made me develop them again, and to my surprise the dotted stains on the photos have brought me visions I didn't have back then. The traces of more than 20 years have imprinted on their seemingly young faces, which is exactly why I want to pay tribute to the passing of time. From these pictures, I have seen chemical effect on portrait photography, and I have also seen time.