Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 Editorial / Photo Essay

Left to Be Forgotten

  • Photographer
    Frank Trimbos

Sibonile Care home in rural South Africa. Residents end up here when their family are no longer able or willing to take care of them. The residents are mentally and/or physically disabled and require special care. However, this care is scarce and for many expensive in the rural area of South Africa, which is why residents are often placed in these homes where they are fed twice a day and then spend their day in bed or on a chair with no any outlook. The residents are often left to their own devices and are no longer visited by their families.

Frank Trimbos (1978, The Netherlands) is a documentary & portrait photographer in South Africa. After completing the school of Photography in Amsterdam specialized in Documentary photography. Frank began to explore the lines of storytelling, documentary and portrait photography to engage with issues of cultural, social and historical significance. Frank moved from The Netherlands to South Africa where he continued to experience the everyday lifstyles , capturing social issues and exploring marginalized communities.