Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 Fine Art / Still Life

The Fork #5

  • Photographer
    Filippo Drudi
  • Agency / Studio
    Filippo Drudi
  • Technical Info
    1s, F/8, Iso 200, 24mm, Full Frame Sensor
  • Photo Date
    25 March 2020

I like forks, I'm fascinated by them. Sinuous, elegant, feminine, and symmetric, yet menacing and seductive. With my project "The Fork," I wanted to look deep into it and find out its many personalities. In this photograph, I wanted to bring out the curves of the fork and its shadow; lens choice and viewpoint were crucial in enhancing the sinuosity of the subject. Also, I wanted fork and shadow to work together as a whole, forming a design that reminded me of an oriental ideogram. I felt that red was the best choice to underline my intentions and communicate boldness, passion, and strength.