Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 Nature / Aerial

Who Left The Bloody Lights On

  • Photographer
    Rico X.
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D850 With Sigma Art Lens
  • Photo Date

Shooting the world's lit cities, towns and villages at night from the cockpit of my Boeing B777 and B787. Guess the next best thing if Rico was not smart enough to be an astronaut but mama and papa still proud, so win win. Oh and guess Rico should also mention something about climate change/energy consumption blah blah, but sure you got that as well. Enjoy. The End!

Rico is not your fine-art educated type; there's no waffle and no literary enigma machines like dictionaries or thesauruses required to decode him. Yes, he will drop the occasional f-bomb. He is all visual, direct in speech, has a partial filter, and, if we're being honest, he is not keen on writing 'captions,' 'artist statements,' 'descriptions,' or 'bios.' These are the very things that tend to alienate many artists like himself, who aren’t silver-tongued wordsmiths with too much to say. So, we will keep it short and sweet: Rico takes photos. The End!