Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 Editorial / Environmental

Polluting City River Flowing Unchecked In Ocean

  • Photographer
    Samya Sengupta
  • Technical Info
    1/400, Iso 100, F.9, Focal Length 20mm, Canon, Full Frame
  • Photo Date
    7th April 2018

Our rivers, seas and oceans are under unprecedented threat destroying majority of Earth’s marine diversity and damage the health of the water-world beyond the scope of any repair Daily huge quantities of human and industrial waste flow unchecked into the waters of our rivers, seas and oceans, the death of various sea creatures caused by plastic waste has become commonplace Almost two thirds of this planet of made of water and largest producer of oxygen, it is absolutely imperative for the health of this planet that we start caring for our water bodies Featuring Manado River and Sulawesi Sea

Born and brought up in the city of Calcutta, India, Samya is an adventurer, photographer, Trekker and a certified scuba diver. He is one of the few underwater photographers from India and loves to share lesser-known stories. He has carried out photographic assignments for various International NGOs. The Indian gallery and the theme poster of India at WTM London Fair 2013 were decorated with his photographs. The ‘Experience Bengal’ campaign of ITOC and Department of Tourism, West Bengal has featured many of his works. His photographs were published and awarded in various journals and forums.