Honorable Mention TIFA 2021 People / Culture

Cambodia Rural

  • Photographer
    Anna Skrypka
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D7000
  • Photo Date
    Jan 2019

Gifted, talented children and teenagers live everywhere... They want to learn, they want to master their craft, they represent the culture. By creating narratives that involve real characters and their lives, we can raise awareness on importance of education, preservation of cultures and heritage craftsmanship, diversity and inclusion. Cambodia project is an example. Anna Skrypka is European photographer and digital content creator based in Tokyo, Japan. In her projects she explores the themes of lifestyle and design, sustainability, diversity, natural heritage and craftmanship.

Anna Skrypka is photographer, creative producer and content creator raised in Ukraine. Passionate about design and architecture, craftsmanship and making things, she moved to Japan in 2010. Her work features game changers in modern world living ikigai lifestyle. She also touches the human–nature relationship topic as well as cultural heritage. With visionary storytelling, she strives to empower creators and innovators.