Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Editorial / Environmental

The After

  • Photographer
    Paul Newton
  • Technical Info
    1/200, F5.6, Iso 1600, 19mm, Full Frame
  • Photo Date
    February 3, 2022

This series was captured on a very cold, February afternoon in Saskatchewan, 2022. The weather in Saskatchewan can be harsh. When homes and farms are left abandoned, the elements will reclaim the land. In this series, I captured a house whose previous family had left. Items in the kitchen and living room remained, including children toys and the body of a stray dog. Before long, winter finds a way back in, and all falls to decay. There is a haunting beauty in that decay. One wonders what life must have been like before. But what we’re left with is The After.

With a strong focus on composition, Paul Newton has been capturing images from around the world for several decades. His objective is to find the narrative in all of his work for the viewer to explore. Each image captures a mood, a story, or an experience. There is profound consideration for the distinct qualities of colour and black & white photography. Working with multiple techniques, escape is the underlying thread to all images. The fundamental photographic element is to transport the viewer to new places, both real and imaginary.