Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Architecture / Buildings


  • Photographer
    Mehdi Babadi
  • Photo Date

Modernity quickly invaded the history and culture of Iranian architecture. And during this period of transition, some buildings suffered a strange condition. They combined the previous nature with modern signs and what emerged was an Iranian grotesque. But beauty was the dominant element. What was not destroyed and digested plastic, metal and modern signs. This collection was photographed in Isfahan and its surroundings and refers to its texture and historical buildings.

Photographer and painter living in Iran. I have held more than eleven solo exhibitions and participated in various exhibitions in Europe and America. Sometimes I write about photography, painting and art theory, and I also teach photography. I have been the founder and director of Khurshid Literary Association and have collaborated with various publications. What is a priority for me is new types of art and fine art. I live with a camera, brush and paint. I am Mehdi Babadi.