Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Nature / Landscapes

Friday The 13th

  • Photographer
    Dennis Lehtonen
  • Technical Info
    2.5 Seconds, Iso 2000, 14mm, F/1.8, Full-frame.
  • Photo Date
    January 13th 2023

I was walking around in a wilderness located in Finnish lapland when the sky was mostly covered in auroras. I was about to head home as the auroras didn't seem to get any better and there was also some clouds in the northern side of the sky. I started slowly walking towards home, but saw some faint red auroras located south behind the hills and that's when I chose to walk to the hills instead. With my both legs completely buried in the snow it was difficult to move, but soon as I arrive on a good spot the aurora gets really bright with the blood red colors being just as vivid as the greens.

I am passionate about polar regions and enjoy capturing the natural phenomenon, such as the northern lights and rare clouds. Having spent most of my life living in big cities of south Finland I felt depressed not being able to see the night sky properly due to light pollution, so I moved to the northern parts of the arctic to the small towns and villages. I move frequently as I enjoy discovering new rural locations in the arctic with each location having their own adventures and plan on creating a free astronomy club in Greenland.