Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 People / Self-Portrait

Still The Queen Despite The Tears

  • Photographer
    Valerie Sobakar Khudayar
  • Agency / Studio
    Doctorov Photography
  • Technical Info
    F/13, 1/160 Sec, Iso 200, 70 Mm
  • Photo Date

You need to be able to step into the future with your head held high, despite all the difficulties that you have to endure.

Doctorov Photography is a photo duet of a couple of the photographers Vadim Doctorov and his wife Valerie Sobakar Khudayar. As a photo duet they worked 2013-2021. Since 2021, after a sudden and unexpected death of Vadim Doctorov, Valerie works as a solo photographer, continuing the implementation of their mutual projects. She is also a sole owner and a successor of the registered trademark and a brand 'Doctorov Photography', since the death of her husband in 2021.