Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 People / Self-Portrait


  • Photographer
    Diana Rubi
  • Technical Info
    Iso 100, F/10, 1/80s
  • Photo Date

I use the iceberg metaphor to represent my hidden depths: the ego, id, and superego. They intertwine, shaping who I am and how I navigate the world. Unraveling this enigma, my self-portraits reflect the shifting balance of these dimensions, blurring the lines between them. My ego, depicted at the surface, contrasts with the chaotic id submerged beneath turbulent waters. The serene superego, represented by the towering iceberg, shapes my moral compass. The interplay of these instances creates a dynamic struggle within, inviting viewers to explore their own psychological iceberg.

I’m a Cuban-born, self-taught photographer and visual storyteller based in the United States. I seek through my photos to capture the thought, human fragility, and its nature through surreal representations that are often an open question that makes you look more than once. My greatest passion is telling stories, not only to satisfy myself but to show others a part of themselves, through universal emotions and mysterious metaphors that fill the gap between visible reality and imaginary vision.