Honorable Mention TIFA 2023 Special / Street Photography

The Warden

  • Photographer
    Adrian Schaub
  • Technical Info
    Hasselblad X2d, Xcd 65, Iso 3200 F11, 1/1000 Sec
  • Photo Date

In the 18th and 19th century millions of European Immigrants searched new luck in the USA. Ellis Island outside of New York City played a vital role. The new arrivals queued in the immigration hall to get registered and for the sanitarian check. Today the immigration hall is a museum guarded by this warden who took a break before the next group of spectators was asking for his services.

The overarching theme of my photography is the children’s game “I see something you don’t see”, as I try to capture the special in the everyday. I like regular shapes and structures of any kind. I further have a weakness for the ephemeral as well as for animals and plants. In my street photography people are interchangeable anonymous actors, hence you typically don’t recognise their faces. Animals are part of the city life and their irregular activity contrasts with the regular forms of streets and buildings, whose leading lines ideally aim for a corner of the picture.