Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Special / Night Photography


  • Photographer
    Yana Gryniv
  • Agency / Studio
    Yana Gryniv

Transposition // Transporting myself to a different position // Disposition // I am loosing my past position // Transformation // I am not sure about my current location // I am not sure about my tomorrow's location // I feel now tomorrow's change // It lies in a quiet a large range // I live with passion // Suddenly checking daily news has become my obsession // Like a new life section // Skin reveals the veins pulsation // Gradation of light against the dark background shines through // I am not through // Transposition has resulted in transformation // Sadly, now it is not a rare occasion

Art for Yana Gryniv is an opportunity to be heard and to encourage others to think. Her artistic path began with pottery and silk-screen printing, then she turned to stained-glass painting and later added painting, photography and installation art to her circle of activities. In 2022 in Vienna she founded a curatorial platform Art Contact Ukraine. The platform facilitates collaboration between artists, cultural/governmental/diplomatic institutions, and activists. The scope of activity is defined through conceptual art, burning issues and cultural heritage.