Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Fine Art / Abstract

Paintings Under Construction

  • Photographer
    Vincent Lariau
  • Technical Info
    Original Digital Photographs With A Double Homotheticity, Vertical And Horizontal.
  • Photo Date

"Paintings Under Construction", part of my iMAGIES URBAINES project, seek to reveal the magic of another reality, with photographs constructed like paintings with futuristic touches. Rhythms, colors and perspectives are the components of these images. Urban steel, glass, wood and concrete are their raw materials. These images of another reality are simply photographs of our reality: the visual effects created with a double homotheticity are simply an amplification of reality and its subjective perspectives. No retouching is required for these iMAGIES URBAINES to exist.

Passionate photographer for almost 30 years, I'm a self-taught after a year in a preparatory art workshop for the Beaux Arts. Alongside a career in the fields of graphic design and publishing, I have continued to cultivate and deepen my practice of photography over the years. Very early on, my artistic sensibility was influenced by the great currents of Modern Art (cubism, futurism, constructivism, surrealism) and their artists (such as Picasso, Braque, Vieira Da Silva, Rodtchenko, Rothko). All these influences have subsequently found their way into the aesthetics I’ve set out to develop.