Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Analog / Film / Editorial / Journalism

Bohemian Fish Harvesting

  • Photographer
    Daniel Zaleski
  • Technical Info
    Bronica Sq-a + 80mm, Kodak Tri-x, Diafine
  • Photo Date
    November 2020

Traditional Bohemian fish harvesting where the fishermen gather early in the morning during the autumn months to collectively harvest fish with the nets. The ponds are emptied and then the fishermen set and tighten the nets so that the fish are finally caught and collected.

I take photos using analog cameras - it is my way to keep the life balance as I stare into many screens all day long and at some point in my life I decided that I don't want to stare into computer screen in the night in order to cull and edit my digital photos. But I do not reject digital way, it is just my personal decision to keep my photography analog (up till a point when I have to upload scans of my photographs - negatives or darkroom prints - to present it on instagram. I shoot B&W 6x6 squeare photos most of the time, sometimes I shoot panoramas using 6x17 camera.