Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Architecture / Interiors

Curves Ahead

  • Photographer
    Morris Asato
  • Technical Info
    1/80 @ F6.3, 12mm, Iso 800, Canon Powershot S95
  • Photo Date
    Photographed on July 2012. Project started and completed on Sept 2024.

Filtered light through curved windows highlight intersecting stair railings creating an artistic pattern.

I am Morris Asato or ‘Morey’ to some of my friends and an amateur photographer from San Diego, California. I have been using photography as a creative outlet for several years. As you can see from my images, I do cover a variety of subjects but the one element I try to bring to my composition is some blend of art and photography. Since a lot of my images are creative expressions of what I sense and visualize, the term creative art photography probably sums it best. My hope is that my images connect with others who can sense the feeling I was trying to convey. -- www.zenfotos.com --