Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Editorial / Environmental

Xylella Ballad

  • Photographer
    Alma Bibolotti
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D3000, Lumix Lx100, Lightroom, Ps
  • Photo Date

The Xylella disease in Apulia keeps on spreading and no effective strategies are being applied to stop the contagion. It is relentlessly advancing and after having dried the Salento olive trees, Xylella could affect the secular olive trees heritage of the area around Brindisi and Bari. Walking through the fields which are progressively becoming a rural desert, I have experienced a strong emotional connection with these trees, symbols of a ‘pandemic’ which is condemning to death some of the most beautiful expressions of nature.

My relationship with photography started when I discovered Edward Weston, Mimmo Jodice, Mario Giacomelli, Lucien Clergue, and many other masters whose works strongly influenced my vision. Photography is an inner journey, vital to me. Much of my work focuses on the language of nature, on my relationship with landscape and the natural world. I aim to render what I feel while shooting, rather than what I witness. I also think that sometimes common objects and simple landscapes evoke parallel worlds where dreaminess and double meaning prevail so that outer space gives voice to my inner gaze.