Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Fine Art / Other

And If My Head Is In The Sky...

  • Photographer
    Jérôme Pace
  • Photo Date

Burst of sigh, fulgurance incendiaire, you are the discreet witness of our forgotten dreams; the guarantor of our misguided hopes. I will never forget, dear friend, the dark beauty of our intended sufferings. "And if my head is in the sky" was taken in Paris.

Historian, I lived a long time at the rhythms of ancient mythologies. A rare peregrination that, having allowed me to probe our imagination, nourishes today my profession as a writer and photographer. For me, exploring the world has always been synonymous with freedom: a suspension point that breathes the exhilaration of our inner confines. I have excavated in Kurdistan Region; practiced sambo in Moscow; or harvested tea in the prefecture of Kagoshima... This wandering is who I am: it is that interrupted discourse of which the hours, echoes of my vile darkness, reveal my sauroctone soul.