Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 People / Life Style

Buffalo Transporter

  • Photographer
    Kirby Ma
  • Technical Info
    1/2000, Iso 10000, F/4.5, Full Frame
  • Photo Date
    Oct. 09, 2022

Along the northeastern coast of Mindanao Island of the Philippines, amidst the deserted villages in the region, local Filipinos still live a humble and primitive lifestyle. Two young boys were riding a buffalo from their home to the farm to do various kinds of laborious work. Not familiar with cameras, the boys were either feeling shy or afraid of their facial images being captured by the camera, simultaneously and instantly raising their arms to cover their faces. Buffalo, as a means of transportation, is becoming less and less popular than diesel-powered tractors these days.

Kirby Ma is an award-winning passionate Chinese Canadian photographer based in Hong Kong, practicing street photography, portraits, landscape, cityscape, nature, and snap. With the advantage of various employment engagements, he was stationed in different countries such as Egypt, the Philippines, the USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, Taiwan, etc. to have close encounters and a better understanding of the local culture and people to perform portraits and street photography extensively. His vision is to share the joy of photography and bring more happiness to people.