Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 People / Portrait

Bandy Sholtes.

  • Photographer
    Michael Dorohovich
  • Photo Date

Michael and I have known each other for many years. And recently in the summer I met him at the Philharmonic, and he said: - Listen, Bandy, maybe we could do something interesting together? - Let's do it! Michael, clarifying the details of the meeting, asked me to take with me some important object for me, a memory. Well, I thought that since my hard-cheerful fate turned out in such a way that Black Sabbath accompanied me throughout my youth and adult life, I would take their first album with me. Bandy Sholtes - Uzhgorod writer

Michael Dorohovich is a portrait and documentary photographer. Born in the small town of Uzhgorod in Transcarpathia, Ukraine. Author of successful photo projects in Ukraine, such as "Famous and interesting personalities of Transcarpathia", "Cultural ethnos of Transcarpathia", which were noted and awarded on many world platforms.Solo mountaineer and specialist in solo mountain trekking (he traveled the mountains of the Carpathians, Crimea, Caucasus, Alps, Altai, Kamchatka, Pamir, and Tien-Shan).Recorded his travels and ascents to the top of the world in photo landscapes.