Honorable Mention TIFA 2024 Special / Digitally Enhanced

Meet The Wall

  • Photographer
    Julia Lazumirska
  • Technical Info
    Nikon 610
  • Photo Date

There are stages in life when you meet walls from circumstances or hit a dead end of limiting beliefs. The marathon term "meet the wall" describes the state of the runner at the last stage of the distance, when almost all internal resources are exhausted, and the finish line is still ahead. The key is to keep moving to trigger the body's response to save energy and use internal reserves to go on. Fears and doubts are overcome through actions, even small and imperfect ones. I tried to find beauty in Imperfection between the Walls I met because it gave a strength to simply keep moving forward.

Julia Lazumirska (b. 1981, Ukraine) is a lens-based artist from Kyiv, Ukraine. She studied Fine art Photography at Kyiv Photography School. Her practice is focused on non-judgmental observation of own inner world and interpretation this experience through found images in nature, flowers, gestures and body of people. Her works appear at the intersection of reality and emotional sensations in the process of self-determination and self-awareness. The main theme she explores is human existence and «the new spirituality».