TOKYO-2017 Fine Art / Other


  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Other
  • Photographer
    Francis Malapris

The nobility of feminine energy always fascinated me. To enhance it, I chose the lunar ascent of different women, determined and sensual. From this selfish impulse, individuality is distinguished by the aesthetics of an underwater light. The verticality of movement illustrates the endogenous balance, the fundamental axis and righteousness. It is in the installation, by the plurality of paintings, the global aura fills space and makes the force resonate. At the origin of this project: a dream, of a woman in weightlessness, drifting between two waters, who chooses light, life. The images appeared with strong symbols: femininity, water, light, hope. The installation includes a selection of 13 (90x90 cm) canvas. More details here about the effects developed for AQUATIC.