TOKYO-2020 People / Life Style

Hecho En Barrio

  • Prize
    Silver in People/Culture, Bronze in People/Life Style
  • Photographer
    Jean-Felix Fayolle
  • Agency / Studio
    Hans Lucas
  • Photo Date

Hecho en Barrio - Made in the Neighborhood The story of young people in poor Mexican areas in the city of San Luis Potosi. Mexico has the highest rate ever of violence and criminality because of drug cartels war. The neighborhoods are in the front line, the youth being the cannon fodder at all levels. For some years, the market of cristal meth has exploded, having for consequences other social and public health issues. Mexican people are mourning their deaths (almost 35000 for 2019) while the government is unable to deal with these very powerful crime organizations.

Jean-FĂ©lix Fayolle is a French 36 years old photographer. He first studied international business, which allowed him to live in Germany and Mexico. Staying one year in a neighborhood of San Luis Potosi, he started making long-term friendships. He worked with photographers as Reza or Peter Bauza to improve his photography. He co-founded the collective IRIS Pictures ( and is part of Studio Hans Lucas ( since 2016. He is dedicating his art to social documentary photography with long term projects in urban poor and complex areas.