
Subjective Reality

  • Photographer
    Dina Bova

In my artworks I put a parallel between modern reality the way I see it and classical paintings. I try to research different types of human characters, behaviors and relationships - sometimes abusive, sometimes harmonic and sometimes under tabu. Through my works, I try to show the way I see it from my subjective and personal point of view.

I started from classic photography during my travels around the world in 2007. In my early photographs I tried to “seize the moment” in someone’s life and document the events in the surrounding world. But, at some point I felt constrained by classic photography and turned my camera from the outside world to the inner world. I started creating my own world of subjective reality with my camera and computer. Today, my artworks are far from classic photography and remind paintings of Renaissance period and at the same time neo-surrealism.