TIFA 2021 Editorial / General News

Boats of Shame

  • Prize
    Bronze in Editorial/General News
  • Photographer
    Maria Tomas-Rodriguez
  • Technical Info
    Canon Eos 5d Mark Iv, 1/250 Sec, F/8 70 Mm, Iso 100
  • Photo Date
    April 2021

In 2020/21, around 45,000 illegal immigrants from West Africa arrived by boat to the Canary Islands (Spain, EU). This route is the deadliest migratory path: 1 out of 20 migrants dies on the attempt to reach European soil. Poorly equipped boats travel distances of up to 1,500 kms. The engines break often, leaving the passengers adrift for days or weeks in which food and water run out. Frequently the occupants die during the crossing. Those who remain alive throw the corpses into the ocean to save on fuel. These days ports on the Canary Islands are plagued with hundreds of these abandoned boats.