TIFA 2021 People / Culture

The People of Mali After 8 Years of Isolation

  • Prize
    Bronze in People/Culture
  • Photographer
    Marios Forsos
  • Agency / Studio
    Marios Forsos Photography
  • Technical Info
    Nikon Cameras (d850 & D5) And Nikon Lenses (24-70/2.8, 70-200/2.8 & 85/1.4)
  • Photo Date

Mali has been removed from the visitors' list for the last 8 years due to a perfect storm of political and military developments: three successive coups, ISIL inroads and fighting in the north, other Islamic extremist groups in the middle and an army which has given up on most of the contested areas and has withdrawn to the south. This has led to divisions, internal migrations and a poverty not seen in generations. People are forced to subsistence farming (and fishing) and are struggling to find ways to remain religiously and politically neutral. Life for them has gone back almost 100 years