TIFA 2021 Fine Art / Landscape

The Rewinder

  • Prize
    Silver in Fine Art/Landscape
  • Photographer
    Virgil Reglioni
  • Technical Info
    Sony A7rii - 15mm - Ss8sec + Bulb Mode- Iso400 - F2.0
  • Photo Date

We can find windy roads in many places in Northern Norway, but finding the right angle to photograph them can be another story. Catching this incredible aurora into the narrow valleys of Senja took me good 2 hours of waiting under -10 degrees C, in a particularly awkward position perched on a sharp rock edge. I had studied and found this place using maps. I could see the potential before going there but I had never seen anyone taking a photo of it this way. The most interesting is discovering when arriving on spot, and adapt to it.

Originally from France, Virgil was born on September 26th 1988 He grew up in a small town between Lyon and Switzerland, and left France in may 2011 to explore the world, and discover his passions for the great outdoors and photography. The photos you find in his gallery are the result of thousands of hours spent outside under snowstorm, strong winds, heavy heat, freezing cold temperatures, long drives, great hikes, early mornings, late evenings, and tremendous amount of time spent waiting and facing nature without knowing what will come. That's what keeps him in love with Landscape and Night.