TIFA 2021 Architecture / Buildings

Unicredit Tower

  • Prize
    Silver in Architecture/Buildings
  • Photographer
    Maria Cristina Pasotti
  • Technical Info
    Canon Eos 80d - Sigma 150/600 F/8 1/800 Sec Iso 200 Focal Length 600 Mm
  • Photo Date

Unicredit Tower, Milan The tallest building in Italy, it was designed by architect César Pelli and is the headquarters of Unicredit, Italy's largest bank. The tower ranked 8th in the Emporis 2012, that rewards skyscrapers for excellence in their aesthetic and functional design.

I'm an amateur photographer and my favorite photographic genres are architecture, minimalism, street photography and naturalistic photography. About 5 years ago I started exhibiting my photographs in several collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad and I won some international contests. One of my last exhibitions was in a gallery in Rue de Seine in Paris (Galerie Etienne de Causans) during the Paris PhotoAward 2019 and my photo was sold to a Parisian collectionist.